+  校园警报:2月19日校园将继续关闭






  • Acansa餐厅的优德体育时间为上午10:30至晚上7点。如果员工允许,豪尔烧烤和星巴克将从早上8点营业到下午5点。
  • Dean B. Ellis图书馆的开放时间为上午11点至下午4点。

  • 雷恩学生会的开放时间是早上8点到晚上8点。

  • 红狼中心将关闭。


  • 2月19日(周三)晚上7点,男篮主场对阵南阿拉巴马的比赛将如期进行。



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Phi Beta Lambda在州竞赛中赢得65个奖项


JONESBORO – The Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) organization at Arkansas State University continued its award-winning streak by picking up 65 awards Saturday, April 8, in the 2017Arkansas 优德体育 PBL leadership conference and competition.

A-State’s PBL group has had strong showings each year in both 优德体育 and national competitions, including winning 42 awards last year. 

“These student leaders excel both in the classroom and outside of it,” said Dr. Philip Tew, associate professor of finance and PBL adviser for the 优德体育 of Arkansas. “They have led the way in doing over 800 hours of work helping their communities, raising money for those less fortunate in our community, and have now excelled in wide-ranging academic competitions. These young ladies and gentlemen are becoming the leaders in their community that we, as faculty, hope for when we are teaching them.”

Member Samantha Risi was voted in as the 2017-18 优德体育 of Arkansas Phi Beta Lambda president. She is currently serving as an intern and scholar for Women’s Business Leadership.

Rachel Washam is a current 优德体育 officer until November 2017 and has decided to run for national office as the Phi Beta Lambda Southern Region vice-president. After an intense interview, discussions with the members of Arkansas Phi Beta Lambda and speaking to the organization, Arkansas PBL overwhelmingly voted in favor of supporting her run for national office. The 优德体育 must vote in favor of the candidate for the person to be allowed to run. Washam is also an intern for Women's Business Leadership Intern. 

PBL is the collegiate division of Future Business Leaders of America, whose goal is to develop leadership, communication and team skills. It is also an organization for students to meet and network with others at the local, 优德体育 or national levels. The PBL academic competitions provide students with what it takes to be successful by covering technology, public speaking, business, finance and management.

A-State swept the economics awards with Tristan Sweatt winning one first place and Anthony Adkins winning two first places, including in economic analysis and decision-making (ADM). Economic ADM is considered a senior-level competition and consists of a multiple choice exam covering economics, and present a case where the student has 20 minutes to read and prep an answer before giving a seven-minute presentation on the case.

In addition, Ethan Barnes was the first recipient of the Bradbury Free Enterprise Scholarship. Barnes also won two first place awards, including an award in future business executive, an overall business award. Barnes received three perfect scores of 100 percent during the competition’s interview portion. He is working to attend the national competition this summer, as both he and student Amy Clay Thomas are interning with a U.S. Senator in Washington, D.C.

Individually, A-State winners include:

First Place — Arkansas State University, largest local chapter (141 members); Madison Carr, administrative technology, four-year college division; McKinley James, client service; Jerri Mathis, four-year college division, computer applications; Anthony Adkins, economic analysis and decision making; Zachary Corbitt, entrepreneurship; Connor Shannon, financial concepts; Ethan Barnes, future business executive; Travis McCloskey, global analysis and decision making; Tristan Sweatt, four-year college division, macroeconomics; Zoe Parsons and Jordan Womack, management analysis and decision making; Kenneth Riddle, management concepts; Ethan Barnes, Sarah Thompson and Joshua Ward, marketing analysis and decision making; Taylor Parker, marketing principles; Anthony Adkins, first place four-year college division, first place overall; Connor Shannon, personal finance; Shelby Anderson, programming concepts; Kenneth Riddle, project management.

Second Place —  Brett Anderson, accounting principles; Sarah Thompson, four-year college division; Amy Clay Thomas, Grant Long and Tyra Reed, business law; Faison Bragg, contemporary sports issues; Clayton Liddell, cyber security; Samantha Risi, desktop publishing; Thomas Avila, Nick Pillow and Austin Reed, financial analysis and decision making; Thomas Avila, Nick Pillow and Austin Reed, financial services; Tristan Sweatt, future business educator; Julian Jackson, help desk; Worthie Springer, impromptu speaking; Amy Clay Thomas, justice administration; Travis McCloskey and Bryant Estes marketing analysis and decision making; Sarah Stone, personal finance; Barbara Martin, retail management; Jordan Womack, sales presentations; Barbara Martin, statistical analysis; Samantha Risi, strategic analysis and decision making; and Arkansas State University, Gold Seal chapter.

Third Place — Arkansas State University, largest number of professional division members; Sarah Robertson, accounting for professionals; Dylan Smith, accounting principles; Jerri Mathis, Sarah Robertson and Rachel Washam, annual business report; Shane Clark, computer concepts; Brett Anderson, contemporary sports issues; Timothy Edwards, economic analysis and decision making; Timothy Edwards, financial analysis and decision; impromptu speaking; Sarah Pitts, marketing principles; Bryant Estes, sales presentations; Abby Thompson, four-year college division, macroeconomics; Dylan Smith, accounting principles.

Fourth Place — Addie Chaloupka, four-year college division, business communications; Dylan Smith, business presentation; Jerri Mathis, Sarah Thompson and Rachel Washam, community service project; Julian Jackson, cyber security; Holly Johnson, financial concepts; Zoe Parsons, justice administration; J. Mark Lewis, sports marketing and management.

Fifth Place — Zachary Corbitt, accounting for professionals; Grant Long, contemporary sports issues; Ashley Collins, cost accounting; Sarah Stone, financial concepts; Thomas Hamaker, help desk; Sarah Robertson, justice administration, Abby Thompson, networking concepts.

The following students are also eligible to represent the 优德体育 of Arkansas in 37 competitions at the National Phi Beth Lambda Leadership Conference and Competition in Anaheim, Calif., Saturday-Tuesday, June 24-27, in the Anaheim Convention Center: Anthony Adkins, Brett Anderson, Shelby Anderson, Thomas Avila, Ethan Barnes, Faison Bragg, Shane Clark, Zachary Corbitt, Bryant Estes, Julian Jackson, McKinley James, Clayton Liddell, Grant Long, Barbara Martin, Travis McCloskey, Taylor Parker, Zoe Parsons, Nick Pillow, Sarah Pitts, Austin Reed, Tyra Reed, Kenneth Riddle, Samantha Risi, Connor Shannon, Dylan Smith, Worthie Springer, Sarah Stone, Tristan Sweatt, Amy Clay Thomas, Sarah Thompson, Joshua Ward and Jordan Womack.

州Phi Beta Lambda竞赛的一些获胜者包括(从前排左起)Mountain Home的佐伊·帕森斯、琼斯博罗的雷切尔·沃沙姆、琼斯博罗的萨曼莎·里西、Armorel的莎拉·汤普森、贝茨维尔的格兰特·朗、琼斯博罗的安东尼·阿德金斯、《杂志》的肯尼斯·里德尔、Mountain Home的乔丹·沃马克、Bella Vista的特拉维斯·麦克罗斯基、花卉公司的特里斯坦·斯威特、Colt公司的托马斯·阿维拉和琼斯博罗的伊森·巴恩斯。