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+ Campus alert: A-State Closing Early Today, Closed Tomorrow

A-State Closing Early Thursday, Jan. 9, Closed Friday

Arkansas State University is closing all academic and business offices at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 9, and remaining closed on Friday, Jan 10, in response to the incoming inclement weather.

However, while regular business offices are not open, the campus continues to operate. Essential personnel who maintain on-campus activities, including University Housing, Dining Services and Facilities Management, will report to work. Employees who are uncertain about their status as “essential personnel” are encouraged to check with their supervisor.

Full-time employees who track working hours can submit their time as “Authorized Leave.”

Revised Facility Hours:

  • Dining Services will operate under brunch hours at Acansa Dining Hall from 10:30 a.m. until 2 p.m.  Dinner service will begin at 4:30 p.m. and end at 7 p.m.  Howl's Grill and Starbucks will be open from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m.  
  • The Dean B. Ellis Library will be closed, but is scheduled to reopen on Sunday, Jan. 12, from 2 p.m. until 9 p.m.
  • The Reng Student Union will open for on-campus student usage at 8 a.m., closing at 8 p.m.
  • The Red WOLF Center will be closed.
  • The A-State Bookstore will be open on Friday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Saturday/Sunday from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m.

All campus residents are reminded to monitor official university media, including official social media accounts for updates. 

Emergency Contact
University Police

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Entering Graduate Music students will take an entrance examination in music history, music theory, and ear training the week before classes begin.  It will assist in planning each student's course of study.  The exam in usually takes 2-3 hours.  Below is a study guide to help prepare for the exam.

    Music History

    1. From each group of three composers select ONE and provide the following information:
      1. The dates of his life or the general dates of his most active period.
      2. His nationality or the region in which he worked.
      3. The main characteristics of his style (from three to five items)
      4. The genre(s) with which he is most usually associated.
      5. The names of two or three of his compositions.
    2. From each group of compositions, collections, or treatises select TWO and provide the following information:
      1. The name of the composer or author.
      2. A brief description of the contents or a brief description of the style of the composition.
      3. A word about its historical importance.
    3. From each group of terms select TWO and provide the following information:
      1. A definition of meaning.
      2. An identification of at least one composer with whom it is associated.
      3. A word about its historical importance.
    4. For each of the following examples list eight stylistic characteristics and then deduce the probable genre, composer, and date.

    Music Theory

    1. Write on any pitch the following scales and/or modes: Major, Natural Minor, Harmonic minor, Melodic minor, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Whole-tone, Pentatonic, Octatonic
    2. Construct and resolve the following chords: Secondary dominant and secondary leading tone, Neapolitan Sixth, any type of Augmented Sixth
    3. Construct the following cadences: Authentic, Half, Plagal, Deceptive, Double leading tone with under third, Phrygian, Tonal with octave leap
    4. Analyze a Bach chorale, with figured bass, Roman numerals, etc.
    5. Analyze a piece from the Classical or Romantic period using function symbols and addressing melody, harmony, rhythm, form and texture.
    6. Referring to a piece from the 20th Century, determine a method for analysis and address form, tonality and rhythm.
    7. Know the outline and basic tonalities of basic musical forms.

    Ear Training

    1. Harmonic dictation of a four-part chorale.
    2. Melodic dictation (tonal)
    3. Melodic dictation (atonal)
    4. Rhythmic dictation