People Widget Instructions
To delete a person in the people widget:
- Go to the content tab in dotCMS
- And choose PEOPLE
- Type in the person’s name that you wish to remove in the search box and click Search.
- Put a checkmark in the box next to their first name and choose AVAILABLE WORKFLOW ACTIONS and select the unpublish 1Content(s) button. (Note: if the content is locked by someone, you will need to have it unlocked before it will unpublish correctly)
- Next, place a checkmark by their first name and choose AVAILABLE WORKFLOW ACTIONS and select Archive. (Note: You can then truly delete them by having it show Archive and placing the checkmark box next to their name and choosing AVAILABLE WORKFLOW ACTIONS AND Delete 1Content(s).
To update a person in the people widget:
- Go to the content tab in dotCMS
- and choose People (Drop the Type From ALL to People if necessary)
- Type in the person’s name that you wish to edit in the search box and click Search.
- Click on their first name, lock for editing, make your changes, and Publish.
To Add a new person:
- Go to the content tab in dotCMS.
- and choose People (Drop the Type From ALL to People if necessary)
- Click on the hamburger menu in the top right hand corner and choose Add New Content.
- Fill in the information and choose Publish when done. Be sure to select your appropriate category in the Location field for categories.