Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Mail Center

All POST OFFICE BOX (PO Box) inquiries concerning personal mail need to be addressed at the Post office next door to the Mail Center in the Student Union. Contact numbers for the Post Office are 870-932-4057 and 870-932-7192.


The Mail Center is located on the North side of the Student Union next door to the United States Post Office. Room 2004B

The Mail Center provides 2 main services for the A-State campus.

Interdepartmental Mail or Campus Mail

We pick up and deliver interdepartmental mail across campus daily. Every department should have a designated pick up and receiving location in their office. All interdepartmental mail is usually distributed to its destination within 2 days or less.

All interdepartmental mail should have a name, department, and building labeled for delivery purposes.

Metered or Postage mail for shipping

We pick up metered mail daily to be posted i.e. postage paid. We have a Pitney Bowes mailing solutions machine that is programmed with all the USPS prices, classes, dimensions etc. All first-class letters receive a metered discount as well. Each department will provide a Postage Meter Form and attach it to each bundle of mail for postage. The postage meter form may be found on the Finance and Administration page under Forms. Each department will sign, date, and provide a contact number on the postage meter form for questions and/or concerns.

Metered and Interdepartmental Mail may also be dropped off at the Mail Center office between 8:00-4:00 pm each day. Monday-Friday.
In order for all metered mail to be posted and shipped out the same day, please drop off by 3:00.

Large volumes of metered mail dropped off at the Mail Center Office after 3:00 may or may not be posted and shipped on the same day.

International Mail

All international mail must be separated from domestic in order for correct pricing. All International mail will cost more due to postal distance and custom regulations.